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Becoming an Business Unit Operator of your own Business Unit, with funfreefreebies you:
- Never have to leave your home, ever to operate your business
- Never have to hire another baby/child sitter to leave home to work
- Operate/run your own part time business, side hustle exclusively from home
- You have all the tools you need, you do have a mobile device, right ?
- You have all the skills you need. You can send 50 texts a day, right ?
- No inventory, supplies, rentals, additional costs to pay for. You have everything you need, already
The dilemma all single parents face is, how do I support my kids and who looks after them while I leave home to support them and myself.
It’s a dilemma that has now been solved for you.
- You set your own hours
- Work when you want and when it fits around the time you want and need to spend with your kids
- Your home is your work station, you run your Business Unit entirely from your kitchen table, couch, rec room
- You run your business, your business does not run you
- Wear what you want !!!
- Reach your own financial goals
- Have a social life, on your terms
- With your own business, you make money even when you don’t physically work
- Utilize your existing skill set
- You already have all the tools you need, your smartphone or tablet or computer
Your Business Unit Is S.E.E.
- Simple Save your local community members money
- Easy Build an exclusive dedicated website for community members to visit
- Effective Local businesses prosper, your community members save money, a win win for everyone.
Simple – Easy – Effective
- We build a dedicated destination website in your community (your Business Unit)
- The people in your community visit your web site to take advantage of the money saving offers exclusively for them , support local and shop local.
- Local businesses see the value of being featured on your website and gaining access to your traffic/visitors
- You make money when local businesses pay you a monthly subscription fee to be featured on your website and gain access to your traffic/visitors.
We, funfreefreebies, You, is you, the Business Unit Operator
- We , Owner/Operator, funfreefreebies
- We will share in a mutually rewarding partnership, utilizing our combined skill sets
- We will create the go to website in your Business Unit, that the whole community will benefit from
- We will provide value and increased profitability to our merchant partners, in your Business Unit
S.E.E., Simple, Easy, Effective
What do I need to get started, to start my own part time, side hustle?
You are thinking of starting your own part time business/side hustle the question is What do I need? What tools, supplies, inventory, equipment, rental space, capital, insurance, utilities, on and on and on.
What is it going to cost me to get into a business?
Good News! Its Free To Sign Up
You are already there
If you have a smartphone, laptop or computer, you already have ALL of the tools, supplies you will need.
That’s right, you can operate your Business Unit Operator, part time business from your home and you can start today.
You are already there on that score as well. Can you send 50 texts a day? You already send 50 texts a day, maybe a lot more, so you already have the skills you need to be successful. We provide a complete comprehensive training and support programme to provide you with the systems, policies, procedures, marketing and sales aids that will compliment your current skills.
RELAX, you have this covered.
Lets talk money.
You currently work for minimum wage, if you are working at all. This chart illustrates the difference between working a dead end job and becoming a Business Unit Operator (For FREE) with funfreefreebies
Year 1
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Year 2
[table id=28 /]
the left column shows you working about two shifts a day, 4 weeks a month at a minimum wage job, you will make approximately $ 800.00 dollars a month, give or take
As you can see, you make the same amount every month, forever. Pretty depressing.
The columns to the right show what happens in your own business.
It takes some time to build and grow your business, BUT when you are up and functioning, the results can be impressive.
For example Working your dead end minimum wage job in month 8th, you will make $ 800.0 dollars the same every month., BUT with your own part/time side hustle Business Unit with funfreefreebies
As a Business Unit Operator
getting just one merchant / customer a month you make $ 640.00
getting just 2 merchants/ customers a month you make $ 1280.00
getting just 3 merchants/customers a month you make $ 1,920.00
getting just 4 merchants / customers a month you make $ 2,560.00
getting just 5 merchants/customers a month you make $ 3,200.00
This chart clearly shows you the advantage of having your own business, the value of creating a monthly recurring income, through a subscriptions program. With a business, your own business you benefit from the work you have done, that benefit accumulates on a monthly basis. WITH YOUR MINIMUM WAGE PART TIME JOB< IF YOU DON”T WORK YOU DON’T GET PAID YOUR OWN BUSINESS PAYS YOU EVEN WHEN YOU DON’T WORK If you take off for the weekend, your website is open 24/7, people visit your web site, businesses can sign up, you get paid monthly from existing merchants, that’s the true value of having your own business, compared to working for someone else.
Conclusion: You have the chance to stay at home, look after your kids and have a great part time side hustle that can generate the income you need to support yourself and your kids, all from the comfort of your home.
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