You have taken 10 minutes or so and are now an Affiliate with funfreefreebies.
Those short 10 minutes could very well change your life, literally.
Here are some tips and pointers on becoming a successful, which means profitable Affiliate.
1. You have already made the best possible selection, in picking funfreefreebies as your Affiliate choice program. funfreefreebies gives their Affiliates an overwhelming achievable opportunity to make substantial revenue easly reaching 6 figures because of our unique program. Details here,
2. Utilize all of the options at your disposal to reach the largest possible audience. Successful Affiliates are the ones that have the largest possible pool of potential customers
( Registrations )
The goal is to have your links out ” there ” in as many possible locations, in front of as much traffic as possible, you want as many people as possible to see your banners, links, period.
3. Here are just some of the more common obvious locations to get in front of traffic, potential customers;
* Your website, websites
* Websites of anyone you know tht would like to support you, in a passive non selling way
* On all of your Social Platforms, huge potential to reach people and again, a non selling manner
* Your signature line, EVERY TIME to communicate, your sig line is there
* Any print content you write, distribute, pass along, your link can be there
* Any photo site, video, audio sites, again, your link can be there, non selling, but there
Note, If there is one key element to becoming a profitable Affiliate is getting your banners, links in front as many prospects, eyeballs as possible. It’s a numbers game and we will be spending more time on that as we go on.
I have mentioned some of the more obvious ways to get in front of prospects, but with a little thought, I am sure you can come up with many others.
Banners and links stay out there, forever literally. Put up a banner and depending where that banner is, it could stay on someone’s website, social platform, ads, print, anywhere permanently.
With this in mind, it pays big dividends to keep putting banners, over time, your trach will become substantial and incrementally increase your chances of getting Registrations and then profit sharing of 25% on an increasing number of Business Units.
Right now, your immediate circle of friends, influence, family, between them all have access to thousands and thousands of possible prospects, weekly, monthly that are being wasted by you, until now.
You now have an opportunity that could easily solve your current financial needs and goals and could solve your long term aspirations as well .
Allowing you to place a banner on their platforms, sites ect, they have an opportunity to help you, with no effort on their part, it’s a win win for everyone.
Nothing motivates and gets people’s attention as much as saying, help me out and I will share some of my profits with you !!!
As an Affiliate, you will have your Dashboard that will monitor all aspects of your activity, including tracking the results of your banners and links.
EXAMPLE A relative of yours places a banner on his or her site, when someone registers from that banner, you can track that registration back to that banner and the person who placed that banner, i.e. your family member. As the revenue comes in from that registration, it’s a simple process of allocating a portion of that monthly revenue to the person who helped you create the monthly 25% commission.
Once you are an Affiliate, all anyone has to do is place one of YOUR banners on their site, Platforms, for you to receive credit and commissions. Your banners can appear anywhere on any location, and you will receive credit for the Registration and receive commissions. the people placing your banners and links DO OT have to become Affiliates.
You belong to an organization, team, charity, non Profit organization that has as an example 100 members, supporters. The organization Charity team becomes an Affiliate, the other 100 members do not become Affiliates, they all place ONE banner, on their sites platforms and it’s tracked back to the one Affiliate that is part of the team, organization Charity.
Just some ideas, suggestions on how to become a successful profitable funfreefreebie Affiliate.
Welcome aboard, come back to this Blog for regular updates and suggestions on becoming a successful and profitable Affiliate .